We have been living in a debt illusion for too long. Fiat paper money system is coming to end. We will be forced to return to honest money system, silver/gold standard, once again. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best.
アメリカの法律では大統領は"natual born citizen"でなければならいと定義されていて、これは現在の解釈では生まれた場所がアメリカでなければならないということです。この条項ができた理由は、アメリカは若い国であるので、外国生まれのスパイとかが、国籍を取得し大統領になることを防ぐ意図があるそうです。
Four years ago and more, I met a neighbor at our farm gate. He was an LRC regular and wanted to say hello – and to post a big 3’x6’ "Ron Paul Revolution" sign on our farm fence.
As he drove up, I smiled at his license plate – "Wrench 1." He got out the sign, unrolled it, and we talked while we put it up.
"How long have you been interested in politics," I asked.
"About two months."
"What got you hooked?"
"I was driving to work one morning and saw a sign at the side of the highway, ‘Google Ron Paul.’ I went home that night and looked him up."
Jim Grant: "Capitalism is an alternative for what we have now. I highly recommend it."
Maria: "We all do."
Grant: "No we don't."
Maria: "The Federal Reserve may not."
Grant: "We ought to be discussing an intelligent move to a sound currency by which i mean a currency that is based on a standard and not at the whim and the discretion of a bunch of mandarins sitting around Washington D.C."
Ron Paulさんが、2月29日の金融サービス公聴会でシルバーイーグル銀貨を高く掲げて、Bernake氏が着任した2006年にはシルバー1オンス(30g)で4ガロンのガソリンが買え、2012年現在は11ガロンのガソリンが買えるので購買力はむしろ倍増したのに対し、ベーパードル紙幣は同じ期間で購買力が半減してしているのは政策の失敗じゃないのか?