
PNN #115 Bitcoin Now Accepted Almost Everywhere

Gyftはオンライン商品券販売ネットワークで全米約50,000店舗の商品が買えます。そのGyftがBitpayの決済システムを使いBitcoinでお買いものができるようになったと発表しました。 このPeaceNews.comのクリップは単にBitcoinで買えるようになったということだけでなく、なぜそうしなければならないのかを説明しています。

3 件のコメント:

  1. Hi there. My name is Moto. I was net surfing under "gyft ビットコイン" and by luck, found your website. I am a sound money believer and recently got interested in BTC. There will be a BTC meeting tomorrow in Shibuya. I will be there too, if you are interested, please come along (they said I can bring anyone along). I am sure I am the only attendee from Mie prefecture so it should not be hard to spot me.


  2. Thanks for your comment. Good to hear from a fellow sound money advocate. Yep, I am signed up for the Bitcoin meetup tomorrow night. Look foward to meeting up with you.
